

To continue this wonderful initiative, our 507 Sandwich Club needs funding. Centre 507 has seen an unforeseen rise in their numbers and therefore cannot continue to help fund this parish initiative through their grants from the City of Ottawa. Therefore, we are looking to secure a corporate sponsor to help purchase the groceries to enable us to continue making sandwiches in 2024 and beyond. Many thanks to our parishioners who continue to donate to help feed our neighbours. For more information, please email cmpsandwich507@gmail.com.

Centretown Community Food Centre

Centertown Community Food Centre is accepting donations of food items. Most required food items are:
– Pasta and pasta sauce (cans preferred to glass jars)
– Canned soup, chili, or stew, tuna
– Small jars of peanut butter.
Personal care items like toothpaste, shampoo and razors would also be appreciated. Please leave your donations in the crates in the church foyer. Thank you for thinking of those in need.

Please register with the church if you would like to receive our weekly emails with our bulletin.  http://canadianmartyrs.org/register/


Tuesday-Friday  11:30am
Saturday 5:00pm and Sunday 10:00am 

Please join us for our Sunday Liturgy of the Word via Zoom at 11:30am .

SUNDAY LITURGY OF THE WORD: the Zoom link for Sunday Liturgy of the Word can be found on the front page of the bulletin and in the bulletin email. Sunday Liturgy of the Word is suspended in July and August. 

3pm Monday: Christian Meditation
8pm Tuesday: Lectio Divina and Meditation
6:30pm Wednesday: Evening Prayer (Zoom link on the front page of the bulletin)
11:00am Sunday: Liturgy of the Word
Please contact the office if you would like to join any of these sessions.

The Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall has launched its brand-new site. Click this link to visit the Events page to see what is happening in the diocese: https://ottawacornwall.ca/allevents/. For national or international groups and movements, visit the Resources page: https://ottawacornwall.ca/resources/ or Opportunities to Meet Christ: https://ottawacornwall.ca/opportunities-to-meet-christ/

Oblate Resources:  http://www.eugenedemazenod.net/, https://omilacombe.ca/ https://www.omiworld.org/

PARISH REGISTRATION: The registration form is available at the back of the church or can be accessed at http://canadianmartyrs.org/register/

DONATIONS: Forms are available on the Welcome Table in the church foyer if you wish to make donations through direct deposit. If you wish to donate via credit card through Canada Helps, please click here. Please call the office if you would like a box of offering envelopes. Thank you!

PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please contact the office to inform us of shut-ins or people in hospital so that we can arrange to bring Holy Communion and administer the Sacrament of the Sick, if desired. 

BAPTISM PREPARATION: Please contact the office to schedule a baptism.

MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Please contact the office to set up an interview with our pastor. It is recommended that the first contact be a minimum of 6 months before the wedding.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MINUTES: The minutes of Parish Pastoral Council meetings can be found here and on the Welcome Table.   

FOOD DONATIONS: Non-perishable food items for the Centretown Community Food Centre are collected on an on-going basis. Please place food items in the crates in the church foyer.

MILK BAGS: Milk bags are collected for making into sleeping mats. Please bring in the outer coloured bags and put them in the baskets under the table in the hall near the breezeway.

507 Sandwich Club: If you are interested in volunteering for the 507 Sandwich Club, please click here. If you would like to donate towards the sandwich ingredients, please click here (choose 507 Sandwich Club fund).